Prague Ballet Intensive is an International Ballet Coaching Program, that is composed of current and former principal dancers, teachers and choreographers from the top European, Russian and North American ballet companies.
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Galina Mihaylova

EDUCATION: Trained in the International Ballet School in Sofia and Balletberufsschule/SBBS/ in Zurich-Switzerland.

Joined the Zurich Ballet in August 1999
Promoted as a First Soloist in 2007


Swan Lake – Odette/Odile chor. H.Spoerli
Don Quixote – Cupid chor. H.Spoerli
Nutcracker – Marie chor. H.Spoerli
Goldberg Variation chor. H.Spoerli
Ware Heute Morgen chor. H.Spoerli
Midsummer nights dream – Helena chor. H.Spoerli

Artifact chor. W.Forsythe
New Sleep chor. W.Forsythe
The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude chor. W.Forsythe
Falling Angels chor. J.Kylian
Petite Mort chor. J.Kylian
Allegro Brillante chor. G.Balanchine
Symphonie in C chor. G.Balanchine
Romeo and Julia – Amme chor. C.Spuck
Leonce und Lena – Rosetta chor. C.Spuck
Grand Pas de Deux chor. C.Spuck
Anna Karenina – Dolly chor. C.Spuck
Arcangelo chor. N.Duato
La Sylphide – Effy chor. A.Bournonville
In the Upper Room chor. T.Tharp
Le Souffle de L’esprir chor. J.Bubenicek
Oktett chor. Uwe Schollts
In the Night chor. J.Robbins
Before Nightfall chor. N.Christe
Sleeping Beauty – Fairy chor. Mats Ek
Deer Vision chor. M.Goecke
Kairos chor. W.McGregor